Is Tegaderm®️ An Adequate Probe Cover For Ultrasound-Guided Procedures? - NYSORA

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Is Tegaderm®️ An Adequate Probe Cover For Ultrasound-Guided Procedures?

Is Tegaderm®️ An Adequate Probe Cover For Ultrasound-Guided Procedures?

We posted a POLL on LinkedIn on whether Tegaderm® is an adequate barrier protection for ultrasound-guided nerve blocks. The poll results indicate that 56% of respondents feel that Tegaderm® is adequate protection.

While many folks think of nerve blocks as a minor intervention with no risk of blood contamination, the reality is different. Here’s just one of many examples in pictures I collected suggesting that Tegaderm® and occlusive dressings are NOT adequate as body fluids/blood barrier protection for ultrasound-guided procedures where the skin is breached with a needle.

In this example, it is clear that:

  1. The Ultrasound transducer is protected from the blood by Tegaderm but,
  2. Ultrasound probe cable is contaminated and,
  3. Leaving the blood-contaminated probe cable on the ultrasound machine contaminated the ultrasound machine as well.

Based on the responses on the LinkedIn page HERE, some of the reasons for using Tegaderm®️ instead of a dedicated probe cover are: Tegaderm®️ is ubiquitously available, it is cheaper than probe covers, and Tegaderm®️ is faster to apply and remove from the ultrasound probe, compared with probe covers that are specifically developed for ultrasound-guided procedures. However, in an abstract we presented at ESRA, we demonstrated that the application and removal of Tegaderm®️ requires the same or more time as application and removal of the full size probe covers.

In this video, we feature “a race” – among two common probe covers (Safersonic and EZCOVER®️) and Tegaderm®️. We were not surprised with the outcome that application of the Tegaderm is not more time-efficient, but also Tegaderm does not protect the ultrasound probe cable from contamination with the patient’s bed, skin, or blood associated with the procedure.

Here’s the link to this fun video. Please watch, make sure you subscribe to NYSORA’s YouTube channel and let us know what you think!

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