MSK Tip of the Week for Scanning the Lateral Meniscus in a Transverse Orientation

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MSK Tip of the Week for Scanning the Lateral Meniscus in a Transverse Orientation

December 15, 2022

When scanning the lateral meniscus, look for any protrusion during vulgar stress, clefts, or disruptions between the lateral meniscus and tibia, and significant increases i hyperechogenicity over the center and white zone of the lateral meniscus.

Here are 4 easy-to-apply tips for scanning the lateral meniscus (transverse scan):

  1. Position the patient supine with the knee flexed 90°
  2. Place the transducer across the lateral femorotibial joint line
  3. Identify the lateral meniscus in the middle of the ultrasound image
  4. The other visualized structures are the: Biceps femoris, lateral collateral ligament, anterolateral ligament, and femorotibial ligament

Comparison of sonoanatomy and reverse ultrasound anatomy of the lateral meniscus (transverse scan).

Check out the all-new reverse ultrasound anatomy illustration and slider image added in “Sonoanatomy of the Lateral Knee > Lateral Meniscus”. Download the MSK App for more tips and the most practical and applicable techniques in musculoskeletal ultrasound anatomy and regenerative therapy of the knee.

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