IV tips that make a difference - NYSORA

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IV tips that make a difference

April 5, 2024

In the field of intravenous (IV) access, healthcare professionals must master a range of techniques to perform procedures effectively. From understanding needle insertion angles to exploring innovative approaches, improving IV access significantly influences patient care outcomes. Here, we offer five valuable tips to enhance IV insertion proficiency, spanning from fundamental practices to inventive strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a novice in the field, these insights provide valuable guidance for maximizing success rates and minimizing patient discomfort during IV procedures.

Let’s explore these tips that can refine your approach to IV access:

  1. Mastering the low angle: Here, we describe the importance of mastering a low angle of needle insertion with superficial veins. This foundational technique enhances the ease and success rate of IV access.
  2. The reverse Esmarch technique: Our viral YouTube video, with over 2 million views, introduced the life-saving reverse Esmarch technique. This technique has garnered widespread acclaim for its effectiveness in difficult situations.
  3. Warm towels to the rescue: We highlight the significant benefit of using warm towels to enlarge veins in vasoconstricted or frightened patients. This simple yet effective method can make a world of difference when there is sufficient time.
  4. Bending IV catheters: Perhaps one of our most practical tips involves bending IV catheters. This technique is especially useful in patients where achieving a low angle is challenging. By bending the needle, you can lift the tip up, ensuring it stays within the lumen of the vein rather than perforating through.
  5. Leaving failed catheters in place: This is a counterintuitive yet highly effective strategy: leaving failed catheters in place without releasing the tourniquet. This approach facilitates vein cannulation while preventing hematoma formation, leveraging the effort spent enlarging the veins.

Watch the video below to get a better picture of these tips: 


As the first of its kind, “IV MANUAL” sets a new standard for continuous learning, ensuring healthcare professionals can conquer even the most challenging IV access scenarios with confidence and expertise. Step into the future of medical education and become a master at IV access with this ground-breaking tool. Order your copy on Amazon or Google Books!

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