Case study: How Regional Anesthesia Saves Lives - NYSORA

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Case study: How Regional Anesthesia Saves Lives

February 1, 2023


An 80-year-old patient with critical aortic stenosis, DNR, walking on a thin line, in and out of congestive heart failure presents for free-flap surgery of the ipsilateral forearm due to an open wound over the elbow, with a skin graft from the anterolateral thigh. Here’s how we used regional anesthesia to ensure the safest outcome for the patient.

Anesthesia consisted of

  • Costoclavicular brachial plexus block with 15 mL of 0.5% ropivacaine, followed by an infusion through the catheter for better perfusion-longevity of the graft postoperatively.
  • Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and femoral nerve blocks, with 5 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine for each nerve, for anesthesia of the skin graft. 

The surgery proceeded uneventfully and was successful. No other anesthetic agents were administered.

For the complete guide to the 60 most frequently used nerve blocks, download the Nerve Blocks App HERE.

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