Ultrasound in Interventional Pain Medicine Comprehensive Workshop (Plus CIPS Exam preparation Instructions) - NYSORA

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Ultrasound in Interventional Pain Medicine Comprehensive Workshop (Plus CIPS Exam preparation Instructions)

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February 8-9, 2025
Leuven, Belgium

Ultrasound in Interventional Pain Medicine Comprehensive Workshop (Plus CIPS Exam preparation Instructions)

Organiser: NYSORA

Why you should attend

This 2-day  hands-on course will not only teach you technical skills, techniques and updates about the use of ultrasound in pain medicine but will also provide you with the information on how to prepare for the CIPS examination and how to perform during the practical part of the examination.

This course will inspire you to implement more ultrasound-guided techniques in your pain practice.

Delegates attending this course will be taught a standardized step-wise approach to various pain management procedures using ultrasound guidance, taught by key opinion leaders.

Faculty selected for the course and pain workshop are either serving examiners on CIPS or have successfully passed the exam. They are some of the best instructors and clinicians recognized for their expertise in the field of pain medicine.

Group numbers are kept small to maximise the learning experience. Ample time for hands-on practice on live models and simulators.

Experience NYSORA US Pain APP with a complimentary 3-months subscription included with your registration.

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Learning objectives:

  • Develop a step wise approach to various pain management procedures using ultrasound guidance
  • Understand curriculum based procedures as per the CIPS examination curriculum
  • Learn how to prepare and to pass the CIPS examination
  • Learn how to perform in clinical case scenarios, approach and assessment
  • Interpret various sonographic artifacts and outline a plan for troubleshooting these using various transducer manoeuvres and ultrasound machine setting adjustments
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration and Light Breakfast
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Upper Limb MSK Pain Procedures and Peripheral Nerve Entrapments (Sadiq Bhayani): • Shoulder- Bicep Tendon, AC Joint, SASD Bursa, Gleno-humeral Joint, Suprascapular Nerve • Elbow- Medial and Lateral Elbow, Ulnar Nerve & Cubital Tunnel • Wrist- Carpal Tunnel & Median Nerve, Guyon’s Canal & MCP Joint • Upper Limb Nerve Entrapments
10:00 am - 10:15 am
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Lower Limb MSK Pain Procedures and Peripheral Nerve Entrapments (Guilerme Dos Santos): • Hip- Hip Joint, Trochanteric Complex, Ilio-tibial Band & Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve • Knee- Knee Joint and Saphenous Nerve • Ankle- Tibio-tarsal Joint, MTP Joint, Tarsal Tunnel & Tibial Nerve • Lower Limb Nerve Entrapments
11:15 am - 11:30 am
11:30 am - 12:30 am
Cervical Spine Procedures/ Procedures for Neck Pain Management Sonography Demonstration (Sadiq Bhayani): • Cervical Facet and Cervical Medial Branches, TON • Cervical Nerve Roots • Cervical Sympathetic Chain • Greater Occipital Nerve • Trigger Points & Myofascial Pain
12:30 am - 1:00 pm
Thoracic Spine Procedures/ Procedures for Thoracic Spine and Chest Wall Pain Management (Sadiq Bhayani): • Thoracic Facets, Costotransverse Joint • Thoracic Paravertebral • Intercostal Nerve • Erector Spinae Plane Block • Parasternal Plane Block
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Lumbar Spine & Sacrum Procedures/ Low Back and Buttock Pain Management (Sadiq Bhayani): • Caudal Epidural • Sacro-iliac Joint & Ligaments • Piriformis Muscle Inection • Lumbar Facet Joint & Medial Branches
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Abdomen & Pelvic Procedures/ Abdominal Myofascial Pain Syndromes, Pelvic Pain Management (Guilerme Dos Santos): • Iiio-inguinal & Ilio-hypogastric Nerve Block • Rectus Sheath, TAP Plane • Quadratus Lumborum Block • Genitofemoral Nerve Block • Pudendal Nerve Block
4:00 pm - 4:15 pm
4:15 pm - 5:00 pm
Headache & Facial Pain Management (Sadiq Bhayani): • Supra & Infra-orbital Nerve Block • Maxillary Division of Trigeminal Nerve Block in Pterygo-palatine Fossa/ Sphenopalatine Block • Mental Nerve Block
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm
How to Prepare for the Ultrasound Certification Examinations (Sadiq Bhayani): • Exam Structure • Communication, Knowledge & Skills • Exam Techniques • Clinical Exam Videos
5:30 pm - 5:45 pm
Q & A with the Instructors and Instructions for Tomorrow
7:45 am - 8:00 am
Registration and Light Breakfast
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Head, Neck, Cervical Spine: Cervical Medial Branch, Cervical Nerve Roots, GON, Cervical Sympathetic Chain, Maxillary Nerve, Supra-orbital, Infra-orbital, Mental Nerve
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Lumbar Area, Pelvis, Abdomen: Lumbar Facet Joint, Medial Branches, Caudal, Sacro-iliac Joint, Piriformis, Pudendal Nerve, Ilio-inguinal, Iliohypogastric and Genitofemoral, ACNES, QLB, Rectus Sheath, TAP
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Thoracic Region: Thoracic Facet, Costo-transverse Joint, Intercostal Nerve, Para vertebral Space and Erector Spinae Plane (ESP)
11:00 am - 11:15 am
11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Shoulder: Shoulder Joint, AC Joint, Long Head of Biceps, SASD Bursa, Supra-scapular Nerve, Axillary Nerve, Articular Branches to Shoulder Joint
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Elbow, Forearm & Wrist: Medial and Lateral Elbow, Ulnar Nerve, Cubital Tunnel, Carpal Tunnel, MCP Joint, Peripheral Nerves
1:15 pm - 2:00 pm
Lunch Break
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Hip: Hip Joint, Greater Trochanter Complex, Iliopsoas Bursa and Tendon, IT Band, Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve, Articular Branches of Femoral, Obturator and Accessory Obturator Nerve
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Knee: and Ankle Knee Joint, Genicular Nerves, Saphenous Nerve, Ankle Joint, Tarsal Tunnel, Tibial and Peroneal Nerves
4:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Block of your Choice- Ask the Expert
4:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Q & A and Course Review
Download the Agenda
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Leuven, Belgium

Earlybird discounted rate  €1,949, the standard rate is within 1 month of course €2,049. Registration includes course materials, light breakfast, refreshments & lunch. Please NOTE that accommodation is not included in the registration price.

Book your Accomodation

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The Park Inn by Radisson Leuven
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Relevant information

The Ultrasound in Interventional Pain Medicine Comprehensive Workshop (Plus CIPS Exam preparation Instructions), Leuven, Belgium, 08/02/2025 – 09/02/2025, has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 14 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at https://edhub.ama-assn.org/pages/applications.

What is a CME activity? A Continuing Medical Education(CME) activity serves to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a physician uses to provide services for patients, the public, or the profession.

Why do physicians need continuing medical education (CME) credit? Physicians use CME credit to demonstrate that they have participated in educational activities and obtained CME credit to document meeting the requirements of state medical boards, medical specialty societies, specialty boards, hospital medical staffs, the Joint Commission, insurance groups, and others

Who accredits the Course? Accreditation by the EACCME means that the CME/CPD activity provided is of high scientific value, is free of commercial bias and promotes active adult learning. This is of paramount importance to doctors who need to report to their National Accreditation Authority on their CME/CPD activity over a certain period of time, and this even more now that many national systems are (becoming) mandatory and not voluntary. By attending an EACCME accredited event, they will be able to obtain European CME credits (ECMEC) which are recognised not only in a majority of European countries (with which the EACCME has signed agreements), but also in the USA and Canada. By handing in their EACCME certificate to their National Accreditation Authority, their credits will automatically be recognised and converted into national credits.

What documentation does a physician receive for participating in a certified CME activity provided by an accredited CME provider? A CME certificate will be issued and can be used to prove attendance.

Frequently asked questions

All cancellations have to be made in writing to: info@nysora.com. Cancellations made more than 1 calendar month in advance will receive 50% refund of fees paid. Cancellations within 1 month of the event date will receive no refund of fees paid

NYSORA is a free-standing educational organization with over two decades of continuous free-of charge public service. NYSORA.com has never charged a fee for its website access and world-wide education. NYSORA’s free-of-charge illustrations, videos and printed materials are used by instructors and educators worldwide. NYSORA’s is complimentary to the organized societies and does not have membership-fees or website access-fees. Likewise, NYSORA’s research mission is internally funded. Therefore, the registrations fees for our programs are the most important source of funding for our full time team of CME organizers, webmasters, artists and designers.

The organizers will not be liable for any personal accident caused to any person, or loss or damage to any equipment, goods or property belonging to participants. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own travel and health insurance.

For any questions or concerns regarding NYSORA events > E-mail: info@nysora.com, Phone number: 1 212 658 0056

As in past events, a professional photographer/videographer may take photos and/or videos of participants at the event programs. These photos and videos are for NYSORA use only and may appear on NYSORA’s website, in printed brochures, or other promotional materials. Attendees’ registration grants NYSORA permission and consent for use of this photography and video.

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Martelarenlaan 36, 3010, Leuven, Belgium
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