NYSORA Successfully Collaborates on AnatomyTOOL Platform with UMC
NYSORA, though primarily known for its educational outreach, has a long history and resume of generous philanthropic work, equally as far-reaching and noteworthy. According to NYSORA’s mission statement, the organization “aims to provide members of NYSORA with free-of-charge, far-reaching, educational resources that help them keep abreast of cutting edge technologies and advances in Regional Anesthesia, Pain Management, and Perioperative Medicine.” Over the 15 years of the organization’s existence, NYSORA has generously donated textbooks and medical equipment, provided scholarships and grants to conference attendees, and provided up-to-date educational experiences to developing countries and hospitals throughout the world.
This time NYSORA has been collaborating with UMC and has been working on providing NYSORA’s proprietary images and reverse anatomy visuals for their Platform, AnatomyTOOL. AnatomyTOOL is a platform for learning and teaching of Anatomy that offers open, quality reviewed, anatomical learning materials and tools. Open means that it is largely accessible without logging in, and that most offered materials can be freely reused, because they are licensed under a Creative Commons license.
AnatomyTOOL is an initiative of the departments of Anatomy of Leiden University Medical Center and University Maastricht, Netherlands, in collaboration with departments of Anatomy in the Netherlands and Flanders. It is under auspices of the Dutch Association of Anatomists (Nederlandse Anatomen Vereniging – NAV). Its development was supported by a grant of the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, in its 2015 Open Online Education Incentive scheme. The entire gallery of images and their respective licenses you can find here.