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October 26, 2022

Nerve Block Tip of the Week: Adductor Canal Block

An adductor canal block anesthetizes the skin from the medial aspect of the leg and knee to the ankle joint and foot. The technique consists of injecting 10 mL of a long-acting local anesthetic (e.g., bupivacaine 0.25% or ropivacaine 0.5%) next to th...
October 20, 2022

MSK Tip of the Week for Scanning the Lateral Patellotibial Ligament

Patients with persistent lateral knee pain and instability should always be evaluated closely, so today we’re sharing a simple 4-step guide to scanning the lateral patellotibial ligament. Place the patient in a supine position with the knee flexed 90...
October 18, 2022

Nerve Block Tip of the Week: Posterior TAP block

A posterior transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block is a common and relatively simple regional anesthetic procedure, but there are a few things that you can do to ensure its success. As part of our “Nerve Blocks from the App” series, we’re sharing ev...
October 11, 2022

Nerve Block Tip of the Week

As part of the occasional series on “Nerve Blocks from the App”, this week we feature the “Quadratus Lumborum (QL) 1 Block” and 3 Tips on How to Perform the Block Successfully A QL 1 or lateral QL block provides analgesia for the skin over the anteri...
September 14, 2022

Epidural Blood Patch: How To

In recent years, the epidural blood patch (EBP) has emerged as the “gold standard” for treatment of postdural puncture headache (PDPH). Although the mechanism of action of the EBP is not entirely clear, it seems to be connected to the prevention of f...
August 3, 2022

Single Operator Nerve Blocks

Practicing ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks usually requires a second person to help with the administration of the local anesthetic, and to lend overall assistance with block performance. However, it is possible to administer peripheral ner...
July 15, 2022


I invite all of my anesthesiology colleagues, particularly those with expertise in regional anesthesia, to act now to atone the conclusion of the studies on Spinal versus General Anesthesia for Patients with Hip Fracture that is, potentially, harmful...
July 5, 2022


In this animated video, Dr Hadzic share the three most common reasons why IV access fail. In Based on 3 decades of teaching and medical education, he has witnessed these three fundamental mistakes that are basis of most failures to secure an IV acces...
June 29, 2022

How To Prevent Wrong-Site Nerve Blocks

The Joint Commission defines Wrong-Site Surgery (WSS) as an invasive procedure performed on the wrong part of the body, wrong side, or the wrong patient, thus exposing them to greater risk. A WSNB immediately triggers root-cause analysis, quality ass...
1. Third Occipital Nerve and Cervical Medial Branch Nerve Block
2. Cervical Zygapophyseal (Facet) Intra-Articular Injection
3. Cervical Nerve Root Block
4. Thoracic Paravertebral Block
5. Lumbar Facet Nerve Block and Intra-articular injection
6. Lumbar Nerve Root (Periradicular) Injections
7. Central Neuraxial Blocks
8. Caudal Epidural Injections
9. Sacroiliac Joint Injection
10. Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) Block
11. Celiac Plexus Block and Neurolysis
12. Ilioinguinal, Iliohypogastric, and Genitofemoral Nerve block
13. Piriformis Muscle Injection
14. Pudendal Nerve block
15. Ganglion Impar Injection
16. Superficial Trigeminal Nerve Blocks
17. Greater Occipital Nerve Block
18. Cervical Sympathetic Block
19. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block
20. Suprascapular Nerve Block
21. Intercostal Nerve Block
22. Subacromial/Subdeltoid Bursa Injections
23. Biceps Tendon Sheath (Biceps – Long Head) Injections
24. Acromioclavicular Joint Injections
25. Glenohumeral Joint Injections
26. Subscapularis Tendon/Subscapularis Bursa Injections
27. Sternoclavicular Joint Injections
28. Carpal Tunnel Injections
29. Trigger Finger Injections
30. Wrist Injections
31. Injections for Tendon Dysfunction
32. Elbow Injections
33. Intra-articular Hip Injections
34. Knee Injections
36. Atlanto-Axial and Atlanto-Occipital Joint Injections
37. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
38. Occipital Stimulation
39. Groin Stimulation
40. Cervical Diskography and Intradiskal Procedures